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​Hi,This is SODA

Based in Gold Coast/Australia.

Born in Fukuoka prefecture.

At the age of 18, he started surfing under the influence of his older brother. After that he was fascinated by surfing and taught himself how to shape while working and doing repairs at the local surf shop "Colony". He then traveled to Australia on a one-way ticket to learn how to shape boards. He knocked on the door of Murray Burton, who is also a teacher of JS and DHD. Despite not being able to speak English well, he was recognized for his hard work and passion to shape, and learned everything from the basics of shaping while working under him.

He obtained his permanent residency and later launched his own brand, SODA Shapes.

He has over 60,000 experience as a shadow shaper for world class brands such as Burton Shapes, JS, DHD and Pyzel. No other shaper has the experience and number of shapes for this brand. Even after 28years of shaping experience, he is still very  passionate about improving the quality of the boards every day.

Based on his extensive experience and knowledge, the boards that are carefully made one by one have value that cannot be obtained in-stores or online. Most of our customers return as we have earned a their trust for high quality products. 

​福岡県生まれ。18歳の時に兄の影響でサーフィンを始める。大学を卒業後、就職するもサーフィンに魅了され、地元のサーフショップ「Colony」でリペアをしながら独学でシェイプを学ぶ。本格的にシェイプを学ぼうと、30歳の時に片道切符で単身渡豪。JS,DHDの師でもある、マリーバートンの門を叩く。英語もうまく話せない中で、熱心な仕事ぶりやシェイプへの情熱を認められ、彼の元で働きながらシェイプの基礎から全てを学んだ。永住権を取得し、その後自身のブランド「SODA Shapes」を立ち上げる。
これまでに、Burton Shapes,JS,DHD,Pyzelなどのワールドクラスのブランドの元でゴーストシェイパーとして経験を積み重ね、シェイプをした数は60,000本以上になる。これほど多種のブランド、そして圧倒的に多くのシェイプ経験をしているシェイパーは世界中他にいないのではないだろうか。オーストラリアというサーフィン大国に身を置き、常に最先端の技術や流行をいち早くキャッチし、自身のサーフボード作りに活かしている。

​Working with the best

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